Coordination meeting with curriculam development center

On the Date of 23rd February, 2023 Ms. Jyoti Pariyar (Program Manager), Sarita Shrestha (Advocacy Officer), Pooja Ghale (District Focal Person), Milan Khadka (Youth Program officer) visited Curriculum Development Centre, Sano Thimi, Bhakatpur.

The purpose of visit is to have meeting with Officer Baburam Dhungana and curriculum officer Chinadevi Niraula regarding the misinformation is written in Health and Physical of Class 7 and 8 about the HIV and AIDS.

In the meeting they shared that the text book for the year of 2078 are already printed which cannot be change because they are already printed for whole 5 years; however they assure to worked for the next round which will updated in 1-1 years.

Additionally, he asked for us to follow up, if there anything should be added so that there will be helpful for the new updates.